More Nigerians are embracing the Land Banking scheme recently announced by the management of T.Pumpy Concept Limited, owner of T.Pumpy Estates.
The top real estate developer came up with Land Banking scheme to give “everyone a life time opportunity and power to make their own wealth through land banking”.
According to T.Pumpy Estates that prides itself as ‘developer that cares’, “You can own a piece or even pieces of land from any of site locations suitable for you and resell after a year or two just for the purpose of investment.
“Think about it… you can buy a piece of land today, walk away from it for five years and when you come back, nothing will have changed. Can you think of a safer investment today with T.pumpy Concept.
“Open that secured account with us today at T.Pumpy Estate and get your reliable, appreciable & maturity returns tomorrow. This is land banking, this is T.Pumpy Estate, the developer that cares!”.
T.Pumpy Estates are located in Nigeria’s Capital city, Abuja, Ado-Ekiti in Ekiti State, Ibadan in Oyo State and Ilorin in Kwara State.
T.Pumpy Concept Limited is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, while all their lands have titles.
For further enquiries, call, chat and text us on 09155587635, 09152222202, 09152222205, 09154545468.
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#tpumpyibadan #tpumpyilorin
#tpumpynigeria #developerthatcares