With the death of Dr Kofi Annan, the world has indeed lost an erudute diplomat and internationalist who devoted his entire live to the pursuit of just peace and stable world for development particularly for people of the developing world. He was a peace practitioner who left his footprint in the sands of history as the UN Secretary General. He was a visionary who belived that bussiness and the private sector can only thrive in an environment of peace and He worked for it in various ways including through his role as UNSG. In recognition of the capacity of the private sector and global business for an inclusive growth and development, he succedfully pursued the establishment of the UN Global Compact an institution which continues to mobilise a global movement of Sustainable Private Companies as stakeholders with the UN to create a better world. Kofi Annan will also be remembered for his role in adoption of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000 and the SDGs designed to eradicate poverty and ensure a trully sustainable path to development. As an illustrious son of Africa he also demostrated his commitment to the continent of his birth, Africa through his involvement in AGRA(Growing Africa’s Agriculture) a non profit organisation dedicated to catalyze and sustain agricultural transformation in Africa by increasing incomes and improving food securities for 30 million smallholder households for an agriculture transformation. He will certainly be missed. NACCIMA joins the rest of the world to mourn this great African who worked tirelessly on the world stage for a better world for humanity. A fitting tribute in his honour especially for those of us in the business world is to join other stakeholders for peace at home and abroad to enable pursuit of inclusive economic growth and sustainable development. Our condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace”.
Iyalode Alaba Lawson mfr IoD JP.
National President Naccima.